Many executives feel overwhelmed by the myriad responsibilities of their job, exacerbated by the hyperconnectivity of the internet. Long days, and being on call twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, can take its toll on even the most organized and motivated leader. In the long run this can lead to burnout.
With their attention divided between many different and competing responsibilities and obligations, executives and managers have begun to question the high pace of their professional lives, and more importantly their productivity. Many feel that in a hypercompetitive world they are constantly playing catch up and putting out fires instead of providing the big picture, strategic leadership they were hired for. This has led many to question the meaning and purpose of their professional lives. In a global economy where such a reality is the norm, it has become taboo to question the demands of the 24-hour workday, and the lack of work-life balance that sees many becoming sick.
What many executives and managers need is a reality check. While their employees can voice their concerns to them, leaders have no one to speak to about their own needs. Once clients have made the important decision to reassess their working lives, Creative Earth we can provide the coaching to get them back on track. Starting with one-on-one assessment interviews, we develop and implement customized plans to restore the health, well-being, and productivity of our clients.
These plans may include interventions such as digital detox, where use of technology is intentionally limited; exercise programs and change of diet, where physical health is a concern; spiritual pursuits, including meditation for those in need of quiet assisted or unassisted contemplation; contact with nature, to restore perspective of our role in the natural world; a recommended reading list of important books, with accompanying discussions of their content to spark creativity and new ideas; dematerialization, where clients are encouraged to get rid of material possessions that complicate their life; general fun and social activities to relieve stress; ongoing discussions to determine what a client finds meaningful in his or her life; or a combination of these and other activities.
When clients are ready, they will sign off on their own custom plan to achieve and maintain the healthy work-life balance developed through the Creative Earth coaching program.
Ultimately, everyone has their own view of what constitutes a sustainable, meaningful life. Contact us today, and let Creative Earth coach you in developing you own plan for personal and professional happiness and success.